iSEssex is a partnership of local charities, working together to deliver Independent Support to families and young people with special needs as they prepare for and navigate the path towards an Education, Health and Care Plan. An integral part of this work is the team of Volunteer Independent Supporters, who work alongside staff to complement and extend the range of support available to families. What the volunteers have found though is that, as well as helping the families and young people in need of support, the volunteering experience has enhanced their own lives, sometimes

Lucy Hazell, iSEssex's new Volunteer Co-ordinator, first became involved in the project as a volunteer Independent Supporter. After almost a year of volunteering, she was offered a job as a part-time administrator on a different project, before coming back to Independent Support as the Volunteer Co-ordinator. Lucy said "This gradual progression back into employment, after a number of years out of the workforce to bring up my children, has been a wonderful opportunity for me and I credit volunteering with helping me regain my confidence and identity."
From former investment bankers, police officers and teachers, to mature students, iSEssex volunteers come from all walks of life and offer a diverse range of skills and experience. They all have one thing in common though: they want to use their spare time constructively to the benefit of an under-supported part of our local community. Glen, a long standing Independent Supporter, tells us that "Working with and empowering families to get the right support for their child gives me great satisfaction that I have made a difference."
Chris, another Volunteer Independent Supporter talks about the fulfilling nature of volunteering. He goes on to say that "it has helped me find a sense of achievement and well-being from using my time in such a positive way."
Volunteering as an Independent Supporter offers many opportunities:
- job application and interview experience,
- building skills,
- working in a professional environment,
- demonstrating competencies,
- extensive training and supervision,
- having a real and valued impact on the lives of families in need.
What do we ask for in return? Commitment, passion and empathy, the rest is just details. It really is that simple and it couldn't be more rewarding.
Interested in getting involved in Independent Support? Please get in touch on 01245 608359 or lucy.hazell@isessex.org
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