It started in November 2016 and like many other groups with this Buddhist movement because of the enthusiasm of Friends from and near Chelmsford who had attended other Triratna Centres and Groups.
The evening is devoted to the exploration of Buddhism, meditation is introduced and then practiced; this is followed by a tea break and then after that a Buddhist theme is introduced and then discussed.
It is impossible to join the group, just come and go as you please.
At present we meditate on chairs. If you have meditation equipment then feel free to bring it along.
The evening is free, however donations are welcome as it is an autonomous group. We have no sponsor!
The evening starts at 7pm and goes on though till 9.30pm.
The best way try experience Buddhism is to try it, give it a go for a month or so just to see how it impacts your life.
We meet on the first floor of the Chapter House.
I hope to meet you at the group soon.
Led by Harshaprabha1. Introduction to the Threefold Way.
2. Ethics: Loving Kindness.
3. Ethics: Generosity
4. Ethics: Stillness, Simplicity & Contentment.
5. Ethics: Truthful Communication.
6. Ethics: Mindfulness Clear and Radiant.
7. Short talk(s): How Buddhism has changed my life.
8. Meditation: Balanced Effort & Dealing with The Hindrances.
9. Meditation: Levels of Meditation & Tips for Meditation Practices.
10. Who is The Buddha?
11. Stories from the Life of the Buddha
12. Conditionality - the Central Insight of the Buddha
13. The Concept of Karma in Buddhism
14. The Nature of Reality: The Four Noble Truths.
15. The Nature of Reality: The Three Laksanas.
16 Ritual and Devotion in Buddhism
17. Buddhism and Death.
18. Urgyen Sangharakshita - Founder of the Triratna Buddhist Community and the Triratna Buddhist Order.
19. The Triratna Buddhist Community
20. Questions and Answers.
Useful websites:
The Triratna Buddhist Community http://thebuddhistcentre.com
The Founder http://www.sangharakshita.org
Written & Audio Downloads http://www.freebuddhistaudio.com
The Karuna Trust http://www.karuna.org
Other Triratna Centres and Groups nearby:-
Mid Essex Buddhist Centre - South Woodham Ferrers
The Hornchurch Buddhist Group
Colchester Buddhist Centre
The Southend Buddhist Group

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